Aldo Rossi’s archetypes

Aldo Rossi drawing

Aldo Rossi drawing

Aldo Rossi drawing

Aldo Rossi drawing

Aldo Rossi emphasized archetypes as a driver of architectural design. A city could be made out of fragments, fragments of collective memory shared by the people of the city. Rossi built his architecture using a vocabulary of forms that he thought represented the shared values of the cultures he was building for. His was an architecture of nostalgia.

What role do archetypes and nostalgia play in CITYSCOPE? Are we trying to evoke the culture of the city through familiar elements in our built environment?

The composite sections in our project are representations of something. But so far, we had struggled to understand what they should represent or why they appeal to us. What can we take from Rossi’s approach to postmodern design, to create a Northern Spark experience that evokes a shared community value?

Aldo Rossi built work

Aldo Rossi built work

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